Sunday 28 August 2016



    So I got this song by Jon Bellion (it's titled Maybe IDK) about 2 months ago and I've been pondering on what to make my first post. (Yep, first post finally!)
   Listening to my playlist last night, this song came on and struck a chord. Like, yeah I know Jon Bellion rocks and he has never gone wrong with a song before and 'Maybe IDK' is one of his best yet, but that wasn't what got to me. It was the message the song held.  
  Beautiful lyrics huh?
    Well, it applies to everyone that has ever encountered the phenomenon called 'life'. In one word; life sucks. (Okay that's two words actually **shrug**) But honestly though, every single day, I come across people who aren't totally happy about the chapter they are in their lives. 
     Don't get me wrong, I'm not speaking entirely of money or material stuff. I'm talking about people being insecure even when they seem to have it all, people being unsatisfied with their job or state of things in their society, people losing a loved one, people trying to get through a heartbreak without letting on how badly they've been damaged, people suffering from depression and having no one to talk to, people getting the confirmation of bad news that they've been kinda expecting, people being lonely and craving companionship; all these and other shitty stuff that make life, LIFE. (And honestly I've experienced most of these stuff, so I knowww)
    These people feel they should possess a greater knowledge, like they ought to have this better understanding of why they've been thrust into this hell hole of a chapter. And I know alot of y'all feel so too. But the hard truth is that you don't. What's more, you never will. Yeah folks, it is what it is. (It kinda sucks huh?)
   What you need to understand though is that it is perfectly normal. In Jon Bellion's voice, That's OK. In fact, it's awesome! I mean, what's more boring than knowing exactly where I'm gonna be in 20 years time. I'd rather discover the intricacies of my life by piecemeal. 
    So I wanna go through all the hurdles, the tears, the pain, the heartaches, the I'm-ready-to-die moments. Because without these experiences, I would never fully enjoy the smiles, the laughter, the companionship, the joy of being loved, the fulfillment of loving someone, the ebullience of my toddler niece, the pride that comes from an achievement and all the highs that make life worth living.
   Our highs and lows are intertwined. They need each other. You can never fully appreciate one without experiencing the other. That's what makes life the terrific rollercoaster ride that we never get enough of ( atleast until the ride is over).
    The *EKG depicts this perfectly. It has to rise and fall to determine if one is still alive. 

      Point is, when next you're going through that crappy page of life, sit back, relax, drink coffee and probably play some Jon Bellion. Know that, IT'S OK.




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