Sunday 4 September 2016

A Poem From Long Ago

I long for companionship.

The kind that leaves you whole and complete.
 The kind that consumes you.
That leaves your heart bubbling full of life.
The kind that a simple smile or touch kindles.

The kind that doesn't judge me.
The kind that loves me, flaws and all.
The kind that longs for me.

That companionship that sustains; through storms and calm.
The kind that doesn't come with expectations.
Just loving me through it all.

The companionship that never abandons.
 Always finding its way back to me.
The type of companionship that nautical miles never matter to.
The companionship that is true and pure.
Unstained by pretense or lies.

The rare one.
Only found by the lucky ones in a lifetime.
It transcends even at the end of life itself.
Like a star that never goes extinct.

The companionship that is slow.
Defies even time and never succumbs to the hustle-bustle of the world.
The kind that is like the earth itself,
always regenerating.
Soft yet fierce,
calm yet passionate.
The type that makes you at one with everything around you.

But I'm unlucky.
So I keep searching for this in friends and those who claim to love me.

My doom. My misfortune.



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